শ ব্দ ভা Ðা র

প্রকাশ | ২২ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৮, ০০:০০

অনলাইন ডেস্ক

Fatal: সবর্নাশা, অবধারিত, অপ্রতিরোধ্য, ধ্বংসাত্মক

Synonyms: Lethal, Mortal, Deadly, Destructive, Pernicious, Baneful. 

Contextual Examples: 
The cyclist was knocked down by the lorry and received fatal injuries. Venom of black cobra is a lethal poison. Because of an ancient family feud, the two cousins grew up as mortal enemies from birth. Cancer is a deadly disease. 

Antonyms: Life- giving, Helpful, Beneficial, Constructive. 

Contextual Examples: 
This medicine has a life-giving constituent. 
His attitude was greatly helpful in the achievement of my objective. 
Panchsheel is a beneficial concept for the solution of many international conflicts.


Foresight: দূরদশির্তা, পারদশির্তা, পূবর্দৃষ্টি, সাবধানতা

Synonyms: Foreknowledge, Care, Caution, Precaution, Prudence, Forethought, Prescience, Presentiment, Foreshadowing. 

Contextual Examples: 
If you had had more foresight, you would have saved yourself a lot of trouble? Augustine’s treatment of God’s foreknowledge and man’s free will makes an interesting reading. 

Antonyms: Narrow – mindedness, Bias, Shortsightedness, Prejudice. 

Contextual Examples: 
Narrow-mindedness is one of the important causes of conflict among humans at all levels. The teacher had a bias against Mary. He, therefore, deducted his marks in the general behavior, though she showed great improvement in overall performance. 
Jane’s shortsightedness in business brought him early profit but huge loss in the end.