এইচএসসি পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি ইংরেজি প্রথম পত্র

প্রকাশ | ২৪ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২০, ০০:০০

রোজিনা আক্তার, শিক্ষক, ক্যামব্রিয়ান স্কুল অ্যান্ড কলেজ, সিরাজগঞ্জ

আজ তোমাদের জন্য ছঁবংঃরড়হ-৬ নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হলো



18. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
a. Once he was sold to a farmer who was lazy.
b. But the master became very angry and gave him a bag of barley.
c. He was famous for his fables on moral lessons.
d. He woke his master but he would not leave his bed.
e. Once there was a man named Aesop in Greece.
f. On the first day Aesop found that his master did not say his morning prayer but slept till sunrise.
g. He asked Aesop to go to the field to work for him.
h. He was a slave in his early days but he was very religious minded.
i. Aesop woke his master next day too.
j. He told him to go to the field and sow the seeds.

Answer: e+ c+ h+ a+ f+ d+ g+ i+ b+ j 

19. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
a. As a student Luther King was very brilliant.
b. He donated all the money for the development of the Negro nation.
c. After marriage Luther king worked as a clergyman in the Baptist Church of Alabama.
d. He was born on 15th January 1926 in the Atlanta city.
e. He was shot dead in 1966 when he was 37.
f. He was awarded Nobel Peace Prize for leading the racial problem of America in Non-violent and peaceful way.
g. In this time, he married an extraordinary learned woman called Croats Scott.
h. Martin Luther king was great leader in the history of the freedom and rise of the Negro nation.
i. He was imprisoned for his movement against the colour differences.
j. He obtained his doctorate degree from Boston University.

Answer: h+ d+ a+ j+ g+ c+ b+ f+ i+ e

20. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
a. Everyday he used to go to fishing early in the morning.
b. Once upon a time there lived a fisherman who was old and poor.
c. But he never threw his net into the sea more than four times.
d. One morning he threw his net into the sea as usual.
e. He thought he had caught a large fish and so he felt very happy.
f. But a moment later, he saw that he had no fish, rather only a dead donkey.
g. He could barely support his wife and three children.
h. Then the fisherman became angry.
i. He was very disappointed.
j. He had just repaired his net and he noticed that the weight of the dead donkey had torn it in several places.
Answer: b+ g+ a+ c+ d+ e+ f+ i+ h+ j

21. Rearrange the following sentences to make a coherent order.
a. Moreover, they can use the empty space below their house to keep things such as agricultural tools and looms.
b. The reason to build houses on high platform is also to protect them from different types of insects and animals.
c. Another popular food item is tender bamboo shoots.
d. Timber of bamboo posts support the platforms.
e. The walls are made of bamboo slates and the roof is the thatched.
f. The main food of the ‘Marmas’ and ‘ Rakhaines’ is boiled rice with vegetables.
g. A kind of soup made from boiled green leaves seasoned with chilies and salt is one of their most favorite items.
h. Then they are dried in the sun.
i. The shoots are first cut into small pieces.
j. The Maghs build their houses on high platforms, about six to eight feet above the ground so that their houses do not become damp. 

Answer: j +b+ a+ d+ e+ f+ g+ c+ i+ h