জুনিয়র স্কুল সাটিির্ফকেট পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি


প্রকাশ | ৩০ অক্টোবর ২০১৮, ০০:০০

নূরমোহাম্মদ দেওয়ান, প্রধান শিক্ষক শিক্ষা নিকেতন, চঁাদপুর য়

wcÖq wkÿv_©x, AvR †Zvgv‡`i Rb¨ Bs‡iwR †_‡K 
(Seen Part) cÖ‡kœvËi wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡jv|

Part-A: Seen Part

A table of contents is an important part of a book. It gives us information about what is inside a book. It tells us what each of the parts of the book is about. It also tells us how to go to the page where the part starts. A table of contents is usually written as ÔcontentsÕ at the top of the page. The list of the parts is presented in the order that they appear in the book. The list contains the titles or the names of the parts. It sometimes mentions the sections as well as the subsection titles with the chapter/unit/lesson titles. It also includes the foreword or preface, book map, index, and the page numbers.

Extra Questions

(h) Preface means —
(i) beginning
(ii) statement
(iii) introduction
(iv) forward
Ans: (iv) foreword

(i) A book map is —
(i) a detailed description of the book
(ii) geographical maps in the book
(iii) a map included in the book
(iv) lesson details
Ans: (iv) lesson details
(j) The lessons of a book are written in —
(i) the table
(ii) the preface
(iii) the table of contents
(iv) the book map
Ans: (iii) the table of contents

(k) The lessons are grouped into —
(i) units
(ii) sections
(iii) contents
(iv) columns
Ans: (i) units

(l) Each part of a book deals with —
(i) different subjects
(ii) same subject
(iii) all subjects
(iv) none
Ans: (iv) none

(m) The list contains the — or the names of the parts.
(i) titles 
(ii) sections
(iii) pieces 
(iv) columns
Ans: (i) titles

(n) A table of contents also tells us how to go to the — where the part starts.
(i) titles 
(ii) writer
(iii) section
(iv) page
Ans: (iv) page