শনিবার, ২০ এপ্রিল ২০২৪, ৭ বৈশাখ ১৪৩১

৬ষ্ঠ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি

মোচ্ছা. রুবিনা খাতুন, সহকারী শিক্ষক, দখিনা রূপকারী উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়, বাগাইছড়ি, রাঙামাটি
  ০৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৩, ০০:০০

Write the name of the noun that is Underline in the sentences given below:

1. I bought a gold ring for my sister.

Material noun

2. He inspired him by his work. Abstract noun

3. The Parliament house is in Dhaka. Proper noun

4. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. Proper noun

5. Paris is a beautiful city. Common noun

6. He might not have worked for late at night. Common noun

7. Laughter is the best medicine. Abstract noun

8. Rusting iron is a type of corrosion. Material noun

9. A company hires a group of employees for its project. Collective noun

10. They are going to Australia. Proper noun

11. A team of professionals has derived a solution for their organization.

Collective noun

12. I think you are missing your mother.

Common noun

13. Can you please help Riya with her project? Common noun

14. He has lost the battle. Collective noun

15. My family consists of five members.

Collective noun


Pronoun: A pronoun can name people or things, objects, questions, reciprocate meaning, and a lot more. The word pronoun is more often known as a word Ôon behalf of a nounÕ which means something that stands in for a noun to avoid recurring nouns in writing or speech. E.g. He, She, They, We, etc.


i. He is going to admire Rahim.

ii. She is a classical dancer.

iii. We are preparing for exams.

iv. I am learning new software technology.

v. It is going to be a historic move.

Types of pronouns:

i. Personal Pronouns

ii. Possessive Pronouns

iii. Demonstrative Pronouns

iv. Reflexive Pronouns

v. Indefinite Pronouns

vi. Interrogative Pronouns

vii. Relative Pronouns

1. Personal Pronoun: A personal pronoun is a word that is used to address particular people, groups, or things, or we can say that it is a word used instead of the noun to refer particular person, place, group, or things. E.g. He, She, it, we, him, her, etc.

Examples of personal pronouns:

i. He is going to join us at the party.

ii. Ajim has helped me with the project.

iii. We both are in a team.

iv. You should participate in the debate competition.

v. Experts had predicted that it will be raining today.


i. Where are you going to spend your holidays?

ii. It going to be late tonight.

iii. We should encourage her to take participate in a dance competition.

iv. I want to become an entrepreneur.

v. Are you enjoying the party?

2. Possessive Pronoun: A possessive pronoun is a word that is used to show the things that belong to someone or to show the ownership of a particular thing. E.g. your, mine, his, hers, their, etc.


i. This book is mine.

ii. The construction building beside the school is ours.

iii. We should contribute to help their mother.

iv. I am going to Mumbai today but my flight is late.

v. I know this coffee is yours.

Exercises on possessive pronoun:

i. I have prepared my project.

ii. The cat in my house is hers.

iii. The money in the drawer is yours.

iv. I am following a proper diet to increase my weight.

v. This car is mine.

3. Demonstrative Pronoun: A demonstrative pronoun is a word used to point out a particular thing or thing with respect to distance or time. They generally replace the nouns that are used to point out things. E.g. This, that, these, those.


i. This work is assigned to Rohan.

ii. These apples are looking tasty.

iii. Those were the golden days when we were in school.

iv. Please bring that book for me.

v. This mango is delicious.

পরবর্তী অংশ আগামী সংখ্যায়

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  • জনপ্রিয়
