শ ব্দ ভা Ðা র

প্রকাশ | ০২ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৯, ০০:০০

শিক্ষা জগৎ ডেস্ক

 Insert : স্থাপন করা, সন্নিবেশিত করা, প্রবেশ করানো, ঢোকানো

Synonyms : Introduce, Interpose, Infix, Interject, Interpolate.

Contextual Examples : Insert an adverdisement in The News Paper. 
The researchers have introduced a new medicine to cure a patient in early stage of cancer. 
This sentence is O.K, but it will read better if you interpose inverted commas before and after the word cheerful. 
Foreign Media has interjected many new questions during the Prime Minister’s press conference in Washington to clarify India’s position on various issues of foreign policy.

Antonyms : Abstract, Excerpt, Extract, Detach, Release, Remove.

Contextual Examples : This painting deals with an abstract idea. Only the painter can elaborate its significance. This book has a number of excerpts from Shakespeare to give it a more interesting touch. This juice contains extracts of apple and pomegranate. After a flight of 3000 km upwards, the space station detached the module from its base.

রড়হ ফবঃধপযবফ ঃযব সড়ফঁষব ভৎড়স রঃং নধংব.