শ ব্দ ভা Ðা র

প্রকাশ | ০৩ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৯, ০০:০০

শিক্ষা জগৎ ডেস্ক

Invincible : দুধর্ষর্, অজেয়, দুজর্য়, অবিশ্বাস্য

Synonyms : Impregnable, Indestructible, Indomitable, Inseparable, Insuperable, Invulnerable, Unassailable, Unconquerable, Insurmountable.

Contextual Examples : It is only because of his invincible etermination, he succeeded.  Arsenals are in an impregnable position at the top of the league. The two friends were inseparable. They went everywhere together. 
Liverpool is in an invulnerable position at the top of the league. 
Manchester Limited has built up an unassailable lead at the top of the premier division. 
Before 1953 Mount Everest was unconquerable.

Antonyms : Assailable, Beatable, Conquerable, Defenseless, Fallible, Powerless, Unprotected, Vulnerable, Weak, Yielding.

Contextual Examples : 
The President has proved that he is fallible after all.  Being defeated by congress now B.J.P. is powerless.  The election defeat puts the part leader in a vulnerable position.