শ ব্দ ভা Ðা র

প্রকাশ | ১৭ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৯, ০০:০০

শিক্ষা জগৎ ডেস্ক

Kind : সদয়, দয়াশীল, দয়ালু, সাধু, সদাশয়, প্রকার, রকম, ধরন


Synonyms : Compassionate, Benign, Affable, Generous, Lenient, Sympathetic, Charitable, Merciful, Tender, Philanthropic, Complacent.

Contextual Examples : He is kind to all. She was merciful to the prisoner. He has affable manners towards the fair sex. The charitable institutions have been exempted from the new tax. After the death of his father Raghav was appointed as an accountant in the same company on compassionate grounds. His benign attitude to the subordinates is appreciated by the company’s management. 

Antonyms : Cruel, Callous, Unfeeling, Unkind, Hard, Hearted, Insensible, Harsh.

Contextual Examples : 
The king was unkind to the slaves and the poor.The cruel king along with his cruel nobles had to surrender to the mob. 
His attitude to the sick was marked by unfeeling and lack of human consideration. 
The king was callous to the genuine demands of the people.