একাদশ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি প্রথম পত্র

প্রকাশ | ১৪ জানুয়ারি ২০২৪, ০০:০০

রোজিনা আক্তার, শিক্ষক, ক্যামব্রিয়ান স্কুল অ্যান্ড কলেজ, সিরাজগঞ্জ য়

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. There are more words than needed. Make any grammatical changes if necessary. 
(a) — blind people cannot (b) —, their (c) — of touch becomes far more developed than that of most sighted people. This (d) — was put to use by a brilliant (e) — called Louis Braille. In the early nineteenth century, he invented a (f) — of writing with bears his name. The Braille system reproduces the (g) — of the alphabet by a series of (h) — in certain positions, which are raised on the paper. The blind person runs the (i) — of his fingers across the pages of the Braille book, and can work out the printed letters and numbers. In this way, he reads the book (j) — his sense of touch.
Answer: (a) although (b) see (c) sense (d) ability (e) man (f) way (g) letters (h) dots (i) tips (j) using

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. There are more words than needed. Make any grammatical changes if necessary. 
We cannot altogether get rid of our (a) — but a proper management of it can certainly reduce its quantity. If we think of burning, burying, recycling and thus (b) — our waste, we can to a large (c) — save our (d) —. Our garbage consists (e) — various kinds of things. Some are burnable, (f) — are (g) —. In some countries waste is destroyed by (h) —. The non-burnable waste is melted and (i) —. Some rubbish is not (j) — at all.
Answer : (a) waste/ rubbish (b) utilize (c) extent (d) environment (e) of
(f) Some (g) non-burnable (h) incinerators (i) re-fabricated (j) utilized

5. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. There are more words than needed. Make any grammatical changes if necessary. 
Napoleon Bonaparte said, ‘Give me an educated (a) — and I will give you an educated (b) —.’ From this saying we can (c) — the great role of the mother in building up an educated nation because a child usually (d) — up in contact with its mother and from its he/she develops his/her talent. If the mother is (e) —, she will be able to teach her children. In another sense, her children naturally will learn from what she says and does because a child, up to a certain (f) — is always in (g) — of its mother. So he/she will follow everything that is said and done by his/her mother. Besides, an educated mother (h) — how to bring up and (i) — her children well. So it is universally true that an educated nation is largely (j) — to its mother.
Answer : (a) mother (b) nation (c) understand (d) grows (e) educated
(f) age (g) touch (h) knows (i) nurture (j) indebted

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box. There are more words than needed. Make any grammatical changes if necessary. 
Einstein was very simple in his (a) — of life. He was (b) — to his fame. Once the queen of Belgium (c) — him to Brussels. When he (d) — down from the train, he could not (e) — that there were actually many (f) — dressed officials to (g) — him at the station. The officials also expected somebody who would (h) — to be (i) — and aristocratic to them. They never imagined that this (j) — man would be Einstein.
Answer: (a) ways (b) indifferent (c) invited (d) got (e) think (f) gorgeously (g) receive (h) appear (i) rich (j) shabby


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