শ ব্দ ভা ন্ডা র

প্রকাশ | ২৪ মে ২০১৯, ০০:০০

শিক্ষা জগৎ ডেস্ক য়

Obdurate : বদ্ধমূল, একগুঁয়ে, কঠিন, দুর্দম, অদম্য, অদমনীয়, পাষাণহৃদয়, অনমনীয়, একবজ্ঞা

Synonyms : Adamant, Dogged, Firm, Fixed, Hard, Hard–hearted, Immovable, Inexorable, Inflexible, Obstinate, Relentless, Unending, Inexpressible.

Contextual Examples :
She was quite adamant that she would not come.
I don’t want to be unkind, he said in a firm voice.
She is obstinate and inflexible in her attitude.
He had the fixed idea that a woman’s place was in the home.
Lock your bike to something immovable like a railing or a lamppost.

Antonyms : Amenable, Biddable, Complaint, Flexible, Malleable, Plaint, Soft-hearted, Submissive, Tender, Tractable, Yielding, Placid.

Contextual Examples :
I find him very amenable to reason.
She is a placid and biddable child.
The young are mere malleable than the old.
The government, complaint or ever, gave in to their demand.
You need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach.