শনিবার, ২৭ জুলাই ২০২৪, ১২ শ্রাবণ ১৪৩১

৬ষ্ঠ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি

মোচ্ছা. রুবিনা খাতুন, সহকারী শিক্ষক, দখিনা রূপকারী উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়, বাগাইছড়ি, রাঙামাটি য়
  ২৯ জানুয়ারি ২০২৩, ০০:০০
৬ষ্ঠ শ্রেণির ইংরেজি

Rule-31 : SentencewU Passive voice n‡j Tense I Person Abyhvqx Auxiliary Verb I Verb-Gi Past participle emv‡Z n‡e Ges gap-Gi c‡i Subject _vK‡j by emv‡Z n‡e|

(a) English (speak) — all over the world.

Ans. English is spoken all over the world.

(b) English (speak) — the English.

Ans. English is spoken by the English.

(c) He has (expell) — from the examination hall.

Ans. He has been expelled from the examination hall.

Rule-32: wKQy e¨wZµg Qvov Principal Clause-Gi Verb hw` Past Tense-Gi nq, Z‡e Subordinate Clause-Gi Verb I Past Tense-G n‡e Ges GKwU Present n‡j AciwU Present n‡e|

(a) The man was so ill that he (will) — not be able to attend the meeting.

Ans. The man was so ill that he would not be able to attend the meeting.

(b) I knew that he (will not come) — to me for his personal purpose.

Ans. I knew that he would not come to me for his personal purpose.

(c) His father (ask) — him whether he had done the work or not.

Ans. His father asked him whether he had done the work or not.

Rule-33: Sentence hw` universal truth (wPišÍb mZ¨), Habitual fact (Af¨vmMZ Kg©) BZ¨vw` †evSvq, Zvn‡j SentencewU Present Indefinite Tense nq| †hgb—

(a) Father said that the earth (move) — round the sun.

Ans. Father said that the earth moves round the sun.

(b) The teacher told that the sun (rise) — the east.

Ans. The teacher told that the sun rises in the east.

(c) He said that the sun (set) — the west.

Ans. He said that the sun sets in the west.

Rule-34: Principal Clause-Gi Verb hw` Present ev future Tense-Gi nq, Z‡e Subordinate Clause-Gi Verb †h‡Kv‡bv Tense-G n‡e|

(a) My father says that he (be) — a freedom fighter.

Ans. My father says that he is/was a freedom fighter.

(b) Iraqi President says that he (win) — the war against allied forces.

Ans. Iraqi President says that he will win the war against allied forces.

Rule-35: Since hy³ Sentence-Gi cÖ_g Ask Present indefinite Tense ev Present perfect Tense n‡j Since-Gi c‡ii As‡k Past indefinite Tense nq| †hgb—

(a) It is many years since he (go) — abroad. Ans. It is many years since he went abroad.

(b) It is twenty years since I (see)—him last.

Ans. It is twenty years since I saw him last.

Rule-36: Since hy³ Sentence-Gi cÖ_g Ask Past indefinite Tense n‡j Gi c‡ii Ask Past perfect Tense nq| †hgb—

(a) It was twenty years since he first (meet) — her.

Ans. It was twenty years since he had first met her.

(b) It was many years since he (go) — abroad.

Ans. It was many years since he had gone abroad.

(c) Two years passed since I (see) — him last.

Ans. Two years passed since I had seen him last.

Rule-37: As soon as-Gi c‡i `ywU Clause-B Past Ind. Tense-G n‡e [As soon as + Past Ind. + Past Ind.]

(a) As soon as we (reach) — the station, the train (leave) —.

Ans. As soon as we reached the station, the train left.

(b) As soon as the students (come) — to college, the bell (ring) —.

Ans. As soon as the students came to college, the bell rang.

(c) As soon as we (start) — for college, the rain (start) —.

Ans. As soon as we started for college, the rain started.

Rule-38: Sentence-G hw` No sooner had ... than _v‡K, Zvn‡j No sooner + past parfect + than + past Ind. n‡e|

(a) No sooner had the rain (stop) — than they (leave) — the shelter.

Ans. No sooner had the rain stopped than they left the shelter.

(b) No sooner had we (reach) — the station than the train (leave) —.

Ans. No sooner had we reached the station than the train left.

(c) No had the man (see) — than he (run) — away.

Ans. No had the man seen than he ran away.

পরবর্তী অংশ আগামী সংখ্যায়

  • সর্বশেষ
  • জনপ্রিয়
