বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৮ এপ্রিল ২০২৪, ৫ বৈশাখ ১৪৩১

প্রাথমিক সহকারী শিক্ষক নিয়োগ প্রস্তুতি

ইঞ্জি. মো. মনির হোসেন, অধ্যক্ষ, বরুড়া মডেল পলিটেকনিক ইনস্টিটিউট, কুমিলস্না
  ২২ জানুয়ারি ২০২১, ০০:০০

71. ÔAvwg Zv‡K A‡bK w`b †_‡K wPwb|Õ

A. I know him for a long time

B. I have known him for a long time

C. I was know him for a long time.

D. I has known him for a long time.

Note: hw` ewj ÔwPbZvgÕ, Z‡e n‡e: I knew him for a long time. Avwg ZLb †_‡K Zv‡K wPwb: I knew him from then/ that time. (B)-Gi A_© : Avwg Zv‡K A‡bK w`b †_‡K wP‡bwQ| (D) Ges (C)-†Z grammartically fzj Av‡Q: was-Gi ci know (C); I-Gi ci has (D) bv n‡q, was known Ges I have n‡e|

72. ÔmKv‡j cvwLiv wKwPiwgwPiÕ K‡i|

A. Birds shout at dawn

B. Birds cry at dawn.

C. Birds twitter at dawn

D. Birds how at dawn.

Note: ÔwKwPiwgwPi KivÕ-Gi Avi GKwU kã Av‡Q: †hgb Birds are chirping on the morning.

73. †mB KbK‡b kx‡Z Avwg Kuvwc‡Z jvwMjvg|

A. I began trembling in that biting cold

B. The trembling of me began in that biting cold

C. I began to tremble in that biting cold

D. I was trembling in that terrible coldness.

Note: †m cÖPÐ kx‡Z Kuvc‡Q: He begins to tremble in a severe cold. AwZwi³ kx‡Z cÖwZ eQi DËie‡½ A‡bK †jvK gviv hvq = Many people died of severe cold on the northern area of the country.

74. wZwb iv‡M MiMi Ki‡Qb|

A. He is burning with anger. (†m iv‡M R¡j‡Q)

B. He is shouting in rage. (†m iv‡M wPrKvi Ki‡Q)

C. He is bursting into anger.

D. He is boiling with rage.

Note: †m iv‡M/†¶v‡f †d‡U hv‡”Q:

He is bursting into anger/indignation.

75. †h‡Z cvwi, wKš‘ †Kb hv‡ev?

A. I can go, but why shall go? (2q As‡k Subject bvB)

B. I may go, but why I will go?

C. I can go, but why should I?

D. I can go, but why do I?

Note: †h‡Z †gv‡i bvwn PvB, Zey †h †h‡Z nq: I don’t want to go but I have to go. He asked me what my name was? (= wZwb wR‡Ám Ki‡jb, Avgvi bvg wK?) Can your tell me where your house is? Zvi gv‡b, ev‡K¨ 2wU cÖkœ Kiv n‡j GKwU As‡ki k㸇jv cÖkœ †evaK bv n‡q normal ev‡K¨ nq A_©vr, auxiliary verb-wU subject-Gi c‡i e‡m‡Q| What is your name?

76. Avwg Zvi K_v ï‡b ¯Íw¤¢Z n‡q wM‡qwQjvg|

A. I was thundered to hear his words

B. I was surprised to hear his words

C. I surprised to hear his words

D. I was stunned(nZf¤^/weg~p nIqv) to hear his words.

Note: Zvi e¨env‡i †m gg©vnZ n‡qwQj: He was shocked at his misconduct. Zvi AvKw¯§K g„Zz¨i K_v ï‡b nZf¤^ n‡q wM‡qwQjvg: I was stunned by the news of his sudden death. I was thunderstruck (shocked; greatly surprised = eRªvnZ; ¯Íw¤¢Z; nZf¤^) by the news of his defeat(civRq)|

77. Zvi †hgb K_v †Zgb KvR|

A. He is true to his word

B. He is true to his work

C. He is as true as his word

D. He is so true as his work

Note: wZwb GK K_vi †jvK| wZwb K_vq I Kv‡R GK (= He does what he promises|) G¸‡jvI GB ev‡K¨i evsjv Abyev`| wZwb GK K_vi †jvK = He is a man of his word

78. Correct translation of the sentence: Ômgm¨vwU h_vh_fv‡e mgvavb Kiv n‡q‡Q|Õ

(A) The problem is solved as per direction.

(B) The problem is finished properly.

(C) The problem has been solved in a befitting

manner (h_vh_fv‡e).

(D) The problem is solved (mgvavb Kiv nq) in a proper way.

Note: (C) mgm¨vwU mgvavb Ki‡Z nq = The problem is to be solved. mgm¨vwU mgvavb Ki‡Z n‡e = The problem has to / will have to be solved / must be solved. mgm¨vwU mgvav Kiv †Zvgvi DwPZ wQj = You should have solved the problem. Avgv‡K Zvi mwnZ †`Lv Kwi‡Z nq = I am to see him.

79. ÔAvwg jÛ‡b _vK‡Z cviZvg|Õ GB evK¨wUi Bs‡iwR Abyev`Ñ

A. I can live in London (Avwg...._vK‡Z cvie/cvwi)

B. I lived London(A_©nxb evK¨)

C. I could live in London (Avwg jÛ‡b _vK‡Z †c‡iwQjvg, Zvi gv‡b †_‡K wQjvg)

D. I could have lived in London (_vK‡Z cviZvg, Zvi gv‡b _vwKwb|)

Note: ÔAvwg jÛ‡b _vKZvgÕ n‡j: “I would live in London” n‡e| Avgv‡K Rvbv‡bvi Rb¨ Zzwg †dvb Ki‡Z cvi‡Z (wKš‘ Kiwb): You could have phoned me to let me know.

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